Authentication ============== The FloatHub API uses bearer tokens to authenticate requests. So before you can make any other calls to the API, you must first retrieve an Authentication Token. This is done by calling the ``/token`` method and including your user credentials. So if your FloatHub username is ``Boaty`` and your password is ``mcboatface``, your ``/token`` call would look like this:: curl --request POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{"username":"Boaty","password":"mcboatface"}' \ If succesful, you will recevive back a JSON response that looks like this:: {"account":"Basic", "email":"", "token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1N...XosykYIc", "username":"Boaty", "valid":true, "vessel":"SS Boaty McBoatface"} except that the ``token`` field will be much longer. Store this value, as it is the Bearer Token you will need to authenticate all your subsequent calls to the API. By default, the token should be valid for roughly 6 months, so you will only need to ask for a new one very infrequently. A call to any other API endpoint with an expired token will result in an HTTP error of 401 ("unauthorized"), in which case a new token should be retrieved from the ``/token`` method.